
医疗协助: Three Reasons This Might be the Career for You!


Medical assisting is an important role in the healthcare field, offering many opportunities to work directly with patients in addition to also handling administrative tasks. 根据 劳工统计局, employment of medical assistants is projected to grow 19 percent over the next decade—a rate that’s much faster than the average for all occupations.  

The aging baby boomer population is increasing the demand for medical services provided by physicians. 结果是, physicians’ offices will need more medical assistants in order to see and care for these additional patients.  

还有很好的就业前景, medical assistants chose the field for a variety of other reasons. Here’s what some Fortis College graduates had to say: 

Being able to help patients is a popular reason why students choose the field. 例如,迪亚., who graduated from 凯霍加瀑布的富通斯学院, 俄亥俄州, works as a medical assistant in a cardiology office. 

“What I like most is helping people,她说。. “I'm in nursing school now to be an RN, and ultimately I am going to be a nurse practitioner.”  

凯瑟琳米., a graduate of 奥兰治公园的富通学院. 佛罗里达 chose medical assisting because it gives her a chance to be there for people when they need help. 

“Compassion fits into what I do every day,她说。. “[Being a medical assistant] allows me to be compassionate to others’ feelings and what they are going through with their health issues.”  

Some students go into the medical field for personal reasons. 比如,Bonnie B., a graduate of 盐湖城的富通学院, 犹他州, was inspired to become a medical assistant after her 13-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer. 

“I spent a lot of time as a single mom taking care of my son and going to the hospital and observing the care [they provided],她说。. “这对我来说就是如此. I am a medical assistant, and I love the job.”   

洛里B., who graduated from 多森的富通学院, Ala., chose medical assisting because she has family members with medical problems. 

“It intrigued me, and I wanted to learn more about it,她说。. “My education has opened up my eyes to things that I've never seen before and never experienced. It has helped me to grow into a better person and wanting to help other people.”  

Finally, becoming a medical assistant provides graduates with a new career path. 桑迪W., who graduated from 在辛辛那提的富通学院, 俄亥俄州, worked in the restaurant field for years. Now a Fortis instructor, she went into medical assisting to better her life. 

“I never had a career before coming to Fortis,她说。. “I was working in restaurants 14 to 16 hours a day. 我不用再这么做了. 我现在有了事业.”  

惠特尼W. also worked in restaurants before enrolling in the medical assisting program at Fortis College in Cookeville, Tenn和她对此表示赞同.

“I've always been interested in the medical field,她说。. “I chose to do medical assisting because having small children, I needed more stability in my career. My education has made me a better person for my family for my children. 我为自己感到骄傲. Now I work Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. 到5点.m. I get to be home and help my son with his homework and cook dinner, and I couldn't have asked for a better schedule.” 

这些故事能引起你的共鸣吗? If so, Fortis can help put you on the path to becoming a professional medical assistant. 点击这里 to learn more about the program or call 1-855-436-7847 to talk to a counselor about getting started today!